Well, I finally got all the videos posted in the appropriate thread covering every single machine in the Bill Harrah collection which will be auctioned off in a few weeks. It was a ton of work compiling and producing the videos.
All total, there is over 90 minutes of video.
The threads are as follows:
Caille 45
Mills Duplex
Caille Roulette
Midget Derby
Counter Top Slots
Single Wheel Uprights
Double Wheel Uprights
Have a question about any of the machines? Please post it in the appropriate thread.
All the videos are unlisted right now and only available to COPS members. The above threads are in the COPS (restricted) area of the forum - http://www.coinopcollectorforum.com/viewforum.php?f=25
After the auction, I will move all the threads to this area.
Also, COPS members get unrestricted access to the online price guide http://www.AntiqueSlotMachinePriceGuide.com up to the auction.
To join COPS, go to http://coinoppreservationsociety.com and click on the "Join the Society" link. The $20 membership is less than what a subscription to the price guide would cost.